
To prevent a test module from running, simply set the disabled attribute in that module to true, like so:

module.exports = {
  '@disabled': true, // This will prevent the test module from running.

  'sample test': function (browser) {
    // test code

This can be useful if you don't want to run certain tests that are known to be failing.

Skipping individual test cases

Disabling/skipping individual testcases is supported only when using BDD Describes interface. To skip a testcase, simply mark it as such, using one of: test.skip(), it.skip(), xtest(), or xit(), which are all equivalent.


describe('homepage test with describe', function() {

  // skipped testcase: equivalent to: test.skip(), it.skip(), and xit()
  it.skip('async testcase', async browser => {
    const result = await browser.getText('#navigation');
    console.log('result', result.value)

If using the default interface, it can be achieved relatively straightforward with a simple work-around. By simply converting the test method to a string, Nightwatch will ignore it.

Here's an example:

module.exports = {
  'sample test': function (browser) {
    // test code

  // disabled
  'other sample test': ''+function (browser) {
    // test code

Running only a certain test case

If you're interested in running a particular test case inside an entire test suite (i.e. an it() or test() function inside a describe() block), use either the it.only() or the test.only() functions, which are equivalent.


The below will only run the startHomepage testcase and ignore the rest.

describe('homepage test with describe', function() {

  test.only('startHomepage', () => {
    // ...

  test('other testcase', () => {
    // ...

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