GeckoDriver Suggest edits
GeckoDriver is a standalone application used to interact with Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox. It is written in Rust and maintained by Mozilla.
Starting with Firefox 48, GeckoDriver is the only way to automate Firefox, the legacy FirefoxDriver which used to be part of Selenium is no longer supported. Internally it translates the HTTP calls into Marionette, Mozilla's automation protocol built into Firefox.
GeckoDriver can be downloaded from the Releases page on GitHub. Release notes are also available there. Or you can use the geckodriver NPM package as a dependency in your project:
npm install geckodriver --save-dev
Selenium 2.x users are advised to use version v0.9, whereas Selenium 3 users should use the latest version.
Standalone Usage
Nightwatch can manage the GeckoDriver service automatically, as with other WebDriver services, such as ChromeDriver. To use GeckoDriver directly, add this to your nightwatch.json
"webdriver": {
"start_process" : true,
"server_path": "./bin/geckodriver-0.23",
"cli_args": [
"--log", "debug"
"port": 4444
"test_settings" : {
"default" : {
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName" : "firefox",
"acceptInsecureCerts": true
Usage with Selenium Server
If you're using GeckoDriver through Selenium Server, simply set the cli argument "webdriver.gecko.driver"
to point to the location of the binary file. E.g.:
"selenium" : {
"start_process" : true,
"server_path" : "./bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.{VERSION}.jar",
"log_path" : "",
"port" : 4444,
"cli_args" : {
"webdriver.gecko.driver" : "./bin/geckodriver"
GeckoDriver can also be used as a standalone application. Usage steps are documented on GitHub:
Command line usage
$ ./bin/geckodriver-0.23 -help
geckodriver 0.23.0
geckodriver-0.23 [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--connect-existing Connect to an existing Firefox instance
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-e10s Start Firefox without multiprocess support (e10s) enabled
-V, --version Prints version information
-v Set the level of verbosity. Pass once for debug level logging and twice for trace level logging
-b, --binary Path to the Firefox binary, if no binary capability provided
--log Set Gecko log level [values: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace]
--marionette-port Port to use to connect to gecko (default: random free port)
--host Host ip to use for WebDriver server (default:
-p, --port Port to use for WebDriver server (default: 4444)
Firefox Capabilities
GeckoDriver supports a capability named firefoxOptions
which takes Firefox-specific preference values. Details are available on the GeckoDriver GitHub page:
Firefox Profile
Specifying the firefox profile can be done by setting the profile
property in the firefoxOptions
dictionary, as detailed above. This can be the base64-encoded zip of a profile directory and it may be used to install extensions or custom certificates.
Implementation Status
GeckoDriver is not yet feature complete, which means it does not yet offer full conformance with the WebDriver standard or complete compatibility with Selenium. Implementation status can be tracked on the Marionette MDN page.
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